Navigating Professional Transitions in Early Motherhood

Are you thinking about pivoting in your job or career? Need more flexibility? Eager to find a better work-life balance? It’s incredibly common and understandable that you might be feeling mixed emotions about making another change in your life that would impact you and your family.


In this virtual group, we’ll cover:

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Identify where work life balance is creating more stress and where it’s working

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Meet others in the same situation and trade ideas and resources

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Gain skills to manage what can feel like a full-time job amongst your other 10 full-time jobs in motherhood

Navigating Professional Transitions in Early Motherhood

  • Virtual

  • $35/session

  • Flexible participation

  • Drop-ins welcomes; Registration required

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5/9/24: 12PM-1PM ET

6/13/24: 12PM-1PM ET

7/30/24: 1PM- 2PM ET

9/24/24: 2PM-3PM ET

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can absolutely share as much or as little as you’d like. Sometimes the best medicine is simply being in the company of others navigating the same issue, stage or challenge as you. We’d love you to join even if you are intending to listen and not share.

  • It depends! Most of what we’ve created are drop in friendly as we know how busy you are. We are thrilled that you are investing in yourself and know that drop ins are so important for this reason. If you are interested in a group and not sure if it’s a weekly ongoing group or drop in friendly, please visit the group page or be in touch.

  • Not yet! If there is interest for this, we’re happy to but for now, because we are hoping women feel they have a safe space to share, we’re going to focus on those that can attend. If the time isn’t right for you, reach out and let’s change the time!

  • Please do! We also want to encourage you to BYOG - bring your own group!