I’m here for you

The foundation of my work is the trusting, supportive, and collaborative relationship that I develop with my clients. Building this special relationship and tailoring a treatment approach to each individual are the keys to therapeutic success. As a therapist, I'm here to support you on this transformative journey, helping you identify, understand, and manage all the changes with resilience and self-compassion. On the way, I bet you’ll discover newfound strengths you never even knew you had.

Through individual therapy, Elizabeth strives to:

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Help you increase self-awareness, reduce feelings of overwhelm and isolation, and learn the skills to achieve personal growth

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Build a trusting and supportive therapeutic relationship 

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Create a safe, comfortable space for you to share your experiences and feelings 

By exploring your challenges, identifying self-defeating behaviors, and learning ways to cope with difficult feelings, you can see life-changing results.

  • Better understand yourself

  • Process your behaviors and patterns

  • Learn skills to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma

  • Adopt new attitudes towards life situations

  • Develop self-acceptance, empowerment, and resilience

  • Navigate the process of healing

  • Experience greater fulfillment within yourself and your relationships

  • "Elizabeth has been an invaluable support, providing compassionate guidance and creating a safe space for self-reflection. Her expertise and empathy have truly made a positive impact on my well-being. Because of Elizabeth I’m becoming the best version of myself."

    Jennifer O.
    Mom of Twins

  • "I first met Elizabeth as a newly postpartum mom feeling a constant barrage of anxiety, depression and panic and entirely unaware I was living with severe postpartum depression. Nearly six years and a second pregnancy and postpartum later, Elizabeth has helped me build a toolbox of support, healthy coping mechanisms and most importantly, create boundaries in my life to protect my mental health long-term."

    Claire H.
    Mom of Two

  • "I have been working with Elizabeth since I was six months postpartum. She has helped me navigate the early months of motherhood and equipped me with the tools to gain confidence in handling the many challenges associated with first-time parenting, working full-time, and other major (and rapid) life changes."

    Danielle S.
    Mom of One

  • "After suffering with postpartum anxiety with my first child I was left feeling insecure and overwhelmed with fear. Now having gone through another pregnancy and the newborn phase while seeing Elizabeth, it is clear to see how impactful our sessions have been. I have been able to experience motherhood in a whole new way."

    Jenn M.
    Mom of Two