Resources & Partnerships

Elizabeth is dedicated to building community both online and in-person through expert-led education, interactive group sessions, and strategic partnerships with other brands and specialists aligned in their messaging and support of moms, parents, and families.

Elizabeth speaks on a variety of maternal mental health and parenting issues

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The myths of motherhood

Emotional challenges of motherhood

Preparing for the postpartum

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Going back to work

Managing anxiety both at work and at home

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Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs): What are they and what to do when receiving the diagnosis

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Partner dynamics during parenthood

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Infertility, loss, and grief 

Browse Past Partnerships, Events, & Conversations

Elizabeth has established meaningful partnerships with mission-aligned brands

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  • "Elizabeth taught the Family Sleep Institute’s sleep consultants a workshop about PMADs, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Elizabeth is a spectacular educator. She’s extremely knowledgeable and passionate about educating people in order to illuminate PMADs and connecting people with the treatment they need."

    Rebecca Mendoza
    Child Sleep Consultant Toronto, ON, Canada

  • "I feel incredibly fortunate to have crossed paths with Elizabeth, both as a friend and as someone who has witnessed her remarkable abilities as a LCSW and psychotherapist. Elizabeth is not just a professional in her field; she exudes kindness, empathy, and she always provides the highest level of support and care."

    Jayne Havens
    Founder of Snooze Fest by Jayne Havens and Center for Pediatric Sleep Management

  • "Elizabeth conveyed a broad scope of experience and also tailored her guidance toward our field of work so that it was deeply relevant and important. It’s clear that Elizabeth is a world-leading expert in PMAD’s, as an educator and psychotherapist. I energetically recommend Elizabeth. You will benefit from her crucial expertise and her thoughtful and generous approach."

    Rebecca Mendoza
    Child Sleep Consultant Toronto, ON, Canada

  • "In a world where true empathy can sometimes be hard to find, Elizabeth stands out as an authentically genuine and caring person. I have no doubt that anyone fortunate enough to work with her will experience not only the benefits of her professional expertise but also the comfort of confiding in someone who is truly special."

    Jayne Havens
    Founder of Snooze Fest by Jayne Havens and Center for Pediatric Sleep Management